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Contact us

Get in touch

Feel free to call our consulting rooms or leave a message using the form and we will get in touch with you.

Phone: (07) 3128 0800
Fax: (07) 3831 6770

After hours
After hours or if my rooms are closed and you need urgent care, the following options exist: 

1. You can call (07) 3830 5824 and leave a message including your name and phone number. A qualified gynaecological oncologist will return your call. 

2. You can contact the Emergency Centre at the hospital where you had surgery at:

St. Andrews Hospital 3834 4444
Greenslopes Private Hospital 3394 7111
Buderim Private Hospital 5430 3303

3. You can call the RBWH switch board on (07) 3646 8111 and ask to be put through to the gynaecological oncologist on call.

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How to find us

Morris Towers
Level 13
149 Wickham Terrace
Spring Hill QLD 4000

1. A multi-storey car park is available opposite our building on Wickham Terrace. Entrance is through Turbot St.  This is the closest car park option which is 50 m walking distance to our office building. Details on location and cost here.
2. Astor Terrace car park. Entry is at 28 Astor Terrace. 200m walking distance to our office building. Details on location and cost here

Postal address: 
PO Box 244
Spring Hill
QLD 4004
Public Transport:
Central Station (trains) is approximately 300 m from our office.
The Spring Hill bus loop (free) stops at Upper Edward Street (stop 135), which is just around the corner from us.