About your visit Spacer image for layout

About your visit

Before your appointment

Upon making the appointment, you may be asked by our reception staff for the reason(s) why you require our services, for any medical or surgical history and any medication you may take.

We also ask you to bring all medical imaging with you in hardcopy (a disk is not helpful). If you were diagnosed with cancer, our practice will collect information about the histopathology of the tumour from the histopathology institute before you see Prof. Obermair.

Prior to the initial appointment, we ask you to fill in some forms that will provide us with important administrative information and which will expedite your appointment.

At your appointment

First, patients will be greeted by our reception staff and administrative details will be checked. Please let us know about any changes in addresses, phone numbers or any spelling errors.

Then, patients will be seen by our practice doctor, Dr Clare Thiele. She will take a detailed medical and surgical history and capture patients’ current medication.

Prof. Obermair will then see patients to summarise the history of complaints and any relevant issues. Almost all patients will require a gynaecological examination. If you are not comfortable with it, please advise our reception staff so that a chaperone can be made available to you.

The aim of an initial appointment is to

  • Make sure patients understand the medical condition;
  • To arrange for any further tests that may be required;
  • To provide treatment options (including their pros and cons);
  • To offer a treatment plan.