

Surgical Checklists

Surgical Checklists demonstrated a significant reduction in postoperative morbidity and mortality in more than one very large study.

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RANZCOG complications survey

I am an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in a small country town in NSW.

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FREE SurgicalPerformance Audit in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

If you think about it for a second it is pretty clear: You cannot improve outcomes that you don’t measure.I got in contact with the idea of “audit” when I...

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In what locations are super obese patients slim and easy to operate?

Obese and super obese women in particular benefit froma laparoscopic approach if they need pelvic surgery.

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My surgical training experience – a trainee’s perspective

Having just completed six years of O&G training is a good time to reflect on my past training, and specifically in relation to my surgical experience.

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What can we achieve with $118,000 in medical research?

Last Sunday, we held the 2013 Battle Against Ovarian Cancer. The event was a phenomenal success.

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Mirena is best non-surgical option for Menorrhagia

I wrote about Mirena to treat endometrial cancer and endometrial hyperplasia with atypia (a precursor lesion of endometrial cancer) only recently.

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Genetic PAP test

In the future, PAP smears will do a lot more than just screening for cervical cancer.

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Why is ovarian cancer a disease of the elderly at a time when the ovaries are inactive already for a long time?

While young women in their teens and twenties can also be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the majority of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are aged 60 years or older.

Read more about 'Why is ovarian cancer a disease of the elderly at a time when the ovaries are inactive already for a long time?'...

On the other side of the fence

For years I battled with varicose veins on both my legs. First, they looked awful when I was in shorts but more recently they also started to cause a dragging discomfort.

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