
Should I be worried about late-onset menopause?

At what age do you expect menopause to occur?  How does it affect your health and cancer risk?

Menopause occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop releasing hormones. Naturally,  a woman’s production of estrogen and progesterone hormones decrease in her late forties, which may cause menstrual periods eventually stopping. The age where most women become menopausal is between 50 and 54 years. In this context menopause is defined as not having a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. As the hormone levels decrease, this may come with symptoms such as hot flushes, headaches, insomnia, mood swings and depression. Some women don’t have symptoms at all. Others may have symptoms at varying severity for 5 to 10 years.

Age and menopause

There is no set age when menopause should start, but according to the Australasian Menopause Society the average age is 51. If a woman is 55 or older and still hasn’t begun menopause, it is considered late-onset menopause. Menopause that occurs before age 40 is called premature.  Up to 8% of women may have early menopause. Removal of both ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) before the normal menopause is called “surgical menopause”. Menopause can also be induced by chemotherapy or radiotherapy to a woman’s pelvis.


Cancer risk and age at menopause

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, women who experience late-onset menopause have an increased risk of uterine and breast cancer. This is due to having an increased exposure to hormones such as estrogen. As women menstruate longer, they have more ovulations which also increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Women with a long reproductive life, menarche (onset of periods) before the age of 12 years and menopause after age 55 years have an increased risk of these hormone-dependent cancers. A pooled analysis of data from more than 400,000 women found for every year older a woman was at menopause, breast cancer risk increased by approximately 3%.

Benefits of late-onset menopause

It’s not all bad news, research findings suggest that later age at menopause and longer reproductive lifespan may result in longer life expectancy. Even though women who reach menopause later are at a higher risk for breast, uterine and ovarian cancers, women who go through menopause late are at a lower risk for heart disease and stroke.

A study of 12,123 postmenopausal women followed for 17 years found that age-adjusted mortality was reduced 2% with each increasing year of age at menopause. Though the risk of dying from uterine or ovarian cancer was 5% higher, ischemic heart disease was 2% lower for those with later menopause, and the overall effect was an increased lifespan. Life expectancy in women with menopause after age 55 years was 2 years longer than those with menopause before the age of 40 years.

Another study indicated women with longer reproductive years are more likely to live to 90 years of age. The study collected data from 16,251 participants, starting between 1993 and 1998 and followed for 21 years. Women who menstruated for more than 40 years were 13% more likely to reach age 90 years than those who had less than 33 reproductive years. Women who were at least 50 years of age when their menstrual cycles stopped were about 20% more likely to reach age 90 years than women who entered menopause before the age of 40 years.

Women who experience late-onset menopause also suffer less from osteoporosis, have stronger bones, and develop fewer bone fractures.

How do I decrease my cancer risk after menopause?

Late-onset menopause usually occurs because of a genetic predisposition. If your mother went through menopause late, chances are you may also. A study found that late menopause is not uncommon among obese women because fat tissue produces estrogen. If you are worried about your age and menopause exercise, eat a healthy diet, don’t smoke, and maintain a healthy body weight which can have a plethora of health benefits. Regular mammograms and Pap smears are also important for women experiencing late-onset menopause. Remember, pap smears have changed to the HPV test in December 2017.

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  • Lorraine 01/08/2023 12:57pm (12 months ago)

    I'm still on my menstration cycle at 50

  • Ttudi 23/07/2023 7:00pm (12 months ago)

    I am nearly 55 and started my periods age 9. I recently went for an internal ultra sound and was told my uterus is still very youthful. So no menopause anytime soon.
    I am under the family history clinic for breast cancer as there have been 4 primary breast cancers between my mother and sister.
    I am on the mini pill so don't actually have periods but have been told it can help with menopause symptoms if any come

  • Naomi 07/07/2023 11:05pm (13 months ago)

    It was so so helpful to read all the comments and knowing I’m not alone. I am 57 still getting my period. My last period is still on going since a month ago , not stopping yet. Under the care of a GYO. though. Hang in their ladies ,it is just of question of when will it ever end!

  • Pat 23/04/2023 10:35pm (15 months ago)

    I’m 54 in 3 months I have never missed a period started at 14 I have had 3 children and all. my life up to this day my periods are very regular/ consistent to the month the day have no menopause symptoms at all this article I think I will show my GYN at next visit

  • MaryAnn 23/04/2023 8:43am (15 months ago)

    I am 62 years and still not in menopause. I started menses at age 11, almost age 12I have had endometriosis since my teens and infertility but did have one child. I took fertility drugs for 7 years. I have had a biopsy and multiple hormone level checks with normal results. I am also obese but trying to lose weight. Thank you for addressing late onset menopause!! Most sources say age 57 is the oldest. Both my mother and grandmother had hysterectomies before age 50 so no idea regarding family history.

  • TYLEAH DUNN JOSEPH 29/03/2023 6:28pm (16 months ago)

    Loved the article.

  • Lee 26/03/2023 5:27pm (16 months ago)

    I’ve had Monthly periods through age 54, (except during 3 pregnancies) After 5 months w/out a period, I thought it was the beginning of the end, but just started a period! With this reset, I’m looking at being a minimum of 56 before I enter menopause.

  • Angie 22/01/2023 6:39am (18 months ago)

    This article was very helpful, and reassuring. I’ll be 54 in 2 months. Never missed a period except for the pregnancies of two children. I’ve been having my period since I turned 11, so like many other commentators here am very tired of it. Reading the cancer risks are a little concerning. I haven’t been on the pill since age 25, so hopefully that makes a difference. You’d think through evolution and biology my body would learn that I don’t want to get pregnant at this age lol. Go away period! Hugs to you all!

  • teresa 08/01/2023 8:53am (19 months ago)

    this article was very good. my mom was on birth control pills and all she can tell me is she is unsure of when she went through menopause my grandmothers are both dead so i don't know about either of them. I am turning 52 in a few weeks and still having regular monthly periods. I have a slow start and then the first to second day is several pads and then very light for several days. I am so ready to be done with all this and the cramps and feeling ill that come with it. I do have trouble sleeping night sweats mood swings weight gain all that so i am hopeful that soon i will start skipping and be on my way to a full year so i can be in menopause i am so done with pads and ruining my underwear and pajamas and sheets every month

  • Yinka 28/11/2022 4:01pm (20 months ago)

    I'll be 57 in 3 months and have been having irregular periods for the past 18 months. I can miss 2 months and then the period starts again. I've been reading different reports as I was getting worried it wasn't normal and could be cancer, im booked in for a gynaecology check/camera, but feel better after reading these comments that having periods at my age isn't so unusual and can mean I live longer (fingers crossed).

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