

Can endometrial cancer be cured?

Due to early detection and treatment, the prognosis of endometrial cancer is excellent for most patients.

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What causes uterine cancer?

While the exact causes of uterine cancer are unknown, there are known risk factors that may increase your risk.

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Can uterine fibroids turn into cancer?

Uterine fibroids do not turn into cancer—they are entirely benign tumours arising from smooth muscle tissues within the uterus.

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Are ovarian cysts common?

There are different types of ovarian cysts, some more common than others. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled spaces that can develop within or on the ovary.

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What is a frozen section examination?

A frozen section examination is a specific type of biopsy procedure that allows a surgeon to establish a rapid diagnosis of a suspicious mass during surgery.

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What are the symptoms of vaginal and vulval cancer?

Vaginal cancer is a malignant disease that starts in the vagina (primary vaginal cancer), and vulval cancer starts on the external women’s genitals.

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Where does endometrial cancer spread to?

Endometrial cancer arises from the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium. The diagnosis is made through a curette, which takes some tissue from the endometrium for analysis under the microscope.

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Coping with a Gynaecological Cancer Diagnosis

A gynaecological cancer diagnosis is difficult for most people and can have a substantial impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Talking openly about cancer is very helpful.

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What is the survival rate for endometrial cancer?

Numbers of patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer are increasing, with Cancer Australia estimating over 3,000 cases and 400 deaths per year in Australia.

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Benefits of exercise for patients with gynaecological cancer

We know from years of research that physical activity is important during and after treatment for gynaecological cancer patients because physical activity has been suggested to reduce a number of...

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