
Category: vaginal cancer

The difference between vaginal and vulvar cancers

Vagina and vulvar cancer are both rare types of gynaecological cancers. Cancer is named after the part of the body where it starts, even if it spreads to other parts...

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How rare is vaginal cancer?

While all women are at risk of developing vaginal cancer, it is very uncommon—it is the least common of all gynaecological cancers in Australia, with about 100 women diagnosed each year.

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What surgery options are available for vaginal cancer?

Primary vaginal cancer is a rare form of cancer that starts in the vagina. Primary vaginal cancer is treated with either surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments...

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What are the symptoms of vaginal and vulval cancer?

Vaginal cancer is a malignant disease that starts in the vagina (primary vaginal cancer), and vulval cancer starts on the external women’s genitals.

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